With our Brand Inside® guarantee, we guarantee as one of few suppliers, that we will solely use Brand products. “What is on the outside, will be on the inside as well!” You will not find Cloned products, “no-name” products or B-Quality in our products.

Mostly we start with a light documentation of your premises. All lamps and spotlights are recorded with their respective power and documented by photo. Ceiling height and current light intensity are of course also included. Then just a push of a button and we can see together with you the electricity costs. By the way, for many, then comes the realization - "What so much money just so that it is light …"
Usually, we then select the appropriate LED spotlights from our range, which fit into the existing cutouts. Our goal is to change as little as possible on the existing ceiling so that you can quickly and virtually dust-free to a new and efficient lighting system.
We are also happy to engage in new construction projects or large conversions. We work hand in hand with you and your architect. We can also introduce new ideas (we have already seen many ceilings). Currently, e.g. open technology ceilings with suspended track rails are very much in trend.
After the planning is far from the order. The demonstration is about showing the planned lighting situation in your shop live. It will be hard to believe how many customers opted for a different light color or even low power spotlights. Light is also very personally felt, so we can always demonstrate that.
Our demo spotlights, we can click into your existing track rails and then compare well with the old light. If this is not possible, we use our light tower, which we can extend to 4.5 meters and get a realistic impression of the planned light.
Building in existing situations
... is one of our strong capacities. Knowing that your goods are your capital and thus "holy", we organize light conversions in the existing premises so that we work almost dust-free and ideally outside of your opening hours (track lights can of course also be exchanged during the store operation). In this way, we ensure that in most cases you do not have to hang a sign "Closed for remodeling". One of our other specialist areas is the conversion of existing lighting systems to LED technology. The best example of this is the widespread gimbal, angular mounting systems, which usually come with 2 or 3 heads. Here we remove the old spotlights and replace them with powerful LED spotlights.
By the way, what we usually experience when renovating existing buildings: the existing air conditioning system runs much less often after the LED light have been installed, even if it is really hot outside. This not only saves you money, but also some colds.
We would be pleased to provide you with a finished press release after the successful conversion, which you can send to your local media. The statement of how much CO2 your company spares the environment is always good and testifies to a healthy environmental awareness.
All our lamps are manufactured to our specifications and are subject to strict quality control. We only use LEDs from Cree, Samsung, Bridgelux or Epistar, Philips and Osram because we have the best experience with light colors, intensity and beam angles. On our products we grant a 2-year guarantee, a 2-year repurchase guarantee and at least 10 years of service.
You do not want to have anything to do with the whole lighting technology? Again, we can stand by your side. For this we create a service concept according to your wishes. This goes from a regular check in your shop to the setting up of a separate service number, which can be used, by your branches directly to contact us.
Customer experience
"Unlike our existing supplier, Printec was able to supply the right spotlights for the existing cut-outs in the ceiling. We did not need a new ceiling! In addition, Printec convinced with the CREE spotlights, the best for the fashion industry. "- Bernhard Kellner - Mode Deschler Mindelheim