With our Brand Inside® guarantee, we guarantee as one of few suppliers, that we will solely use Brand products. “What is on the outside, will be on the inside as well!” You will not find Cloned products, “no-name” products or B-Quality in our products.

Printec exists since 2005 with branches in the Netherlands, Germany, Italy and Hong Kong. With a small team, we have been specializing for several years in LED lighting systems, which we market in Germany, Austria, Italy and the Netherlands, in markets where appealing and high-quality product presentations are important. These are mainly retailers from the fashion world, but also car or furniture stores, pharmacies and beverage markets are among our customers. Our experience and contacts in mechanical engineering help us with many conversions or, for example, the "replica" of old (no longer available) metal grid ceilings, which are equipped with new LED recessed spotlights.

Our focus is on renovation in existing buildings with a certain focus on fashion houses, but also beverage markets, car dealerships etc. Actually, whenever it comes to the attractive lighting of your goods and massive conversions in your store are not possible or intended, we create a new lighting concept for you. 50% energy and thus cost savings are values that we always achieve. Often much more if we also relieve the existing air conditioning with the new installation. The assembly takes place in your shop almost dust-free and whenever possible in times when you have closed one way or another.

All our lamps are manufactured to our specifications and are subject to strict quality control. We only use LEDs from the manufacturers Cree, Samsung, Bridgelux or Epistar, because we have the best experience with light colors, intensity and radiation angles of those brands. On our products we grant a 2-year guarantee, a 2-year re=purchase guarantee and at least 10 years of service.

Printec offers various service options: from all-round contracts to individualized offers: - Fixed lump sum for the repair of your spotlights. - We also take over LED spotlights from other brands in repair. - If required, we take over the maintenance of your entire lighting system including non-LED lights. - For a small annual fee, we extend the guarantee of the spotlights supplied by us. Inform yourself without obligation!

More than 600 projects with more than 400 customers are the basis of our experience. From the well-known Odenwalddecken, over Rigips or metal sheet ceilings, we have no unknown ceilings. So far, we have always found a solution that has spared our customers expensive conversion or new construction. So we have often not simply replaced existing spotlights, but converted to modern LED technology. Take a look at our references. By the way - we first analyze your existing lighting system and then make a suggestion and, especially important, we will show you the lighting situation beforehand with our demo spotlights. Experience is good, but seeing yourself at your own place is better.